Edo SUBEB Host an Interactive Luncheon with High-Level Delegation from Rwanda

The Ancient city of Benin on Thursday, February 21st, 2019 received the presence of a high-level delegation from Rwanda who were in the state for a two-day interactive session with Edo SUBEB officials, teachers and other administrative staff. The visit afforded the delegates to learn about Edo Basic Education Sector Transformation (EdoBEST) as they went round some EdoBEST schools to have a first hand experience on how the program works and get information on the enormous progress made so far... Responding to questions asked by the Rwanda delegates, EdoBEST teachers happily shared their experiences and laudable achievements since the inception of the program. They stated that the program has helped them become better teachers and caregivers as their reading skills have improved tremendously, it has enabled them teach easily without the stress of having to consult various texts, improved their pronunciation, sharpened them generally and the use of daily and weekly strive points ...