Teaching... Strengthening and Revitalising the Profession.

Teachers are essential school-level determinants of children learning. They are the most important curriculum implementers. Without them, no education policy can survive and they are expected to be very capable and highly productive. Teachers performance to a large extent affects not only the output (citizens) they produce, but also the educational system and teaching profession at large so kin interest must be paid to why teachers performance is low... Poor teacher performance apart from very low motivation teachers get in terms of their pityable renumeration, to a large extent boils down to the pre-service training amongst others... Like the saying goes, "you can't give what you don't have" . Some of these curriculum and training systems our pre teachers are expose to are rather obsolete. They don't correlate with our present day "jet age". Thank goodness EdoBest has come to the rescue of Edo basic education teachers in this aspect. We also h...