Sometime ago, teachers were tagged "incompetent, indolent and not fit to teach" . Teachers were called to write a competency test. All these were done to bully, publicly shame and demoralise them. Teachers on their path did not give up. Rather, they consistently prayed for a MESSIAH whilst their dress code became BLACK AND BLACK and God answered their prayers. God sent Gov. Obaseki to redeem them. Being the intelligent, smart, brilliant and innovative man that he is, he decided not to sack teachers. Instead, he preferred to retrain them and provide them with necessary tools to make them competent because he believes something can come out from nothing as against the nay sayers. He introduced EdoBest ( Edo Basic Education Sector Transformation) to transform teachers and pupils lives and the entire basic education subsector Teaching is now simplified and made interesting for pupils and teachers with the use of the Teacher computer and other m...